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By iGo | 06-09-2023

In the world of HR, finding the perfect employee rewards can be quite the challenge, whether it's during the holiday season, to celebrate work anniversaries, or to acknowledge outstanding...

By iGo | 03-07-2023

With the cost of living continuing to rise and wages failing to keep pace, many employees and employers may be considering gift cards to reward performance or tenure. Although almost everyone...

By igo | 10-05-2023

Employee retention is an essential aspect of running a successful business. Replacing a talented employee can be time-consuming and expensive, making it essential to focus on retaining the best...

By igo | 09-03-2023

Sales incentives are a time-tested practice. A voucher, cash bonus, company lunch or a gift basket are all ways for a company to show its employees they value the work they’re putting in. Some view...
